Prayer Requests

Unity Church of Delaware believes in the power of prayer. It is our joyful privilege to support one another, and anyone else requesting spiritual support, in prayer. You can submit a prayer request by using the form below. Your prayer request will automatically be sent to Unity Church of Delaware.  If you would like to join this online prayer group email


Prayer requests may also be sent to Silent Unity, a 24-hour prayer service of Unity World Headquarters, by email ( or by phone:  at 1-800-669-7729.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Prayer Resources

Below are a samples of some of the prayer resources available online from Unity Worldwide Ministries. There are many more at

I Am There 

by James Dillet Freeman

Change by James Dillet Freeman

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don't you?
― Rumi

Silent Unity

Affirmative Prayer

Click on the link above to learn more about Unity's view of prayer.


Thirty Day Prayer Programs

Enhance your prayer life by following one of the programs available online from Unity Village.

Unity Church of Delaware

Meeting address: 4277 Columbus Pike (US Rt 23), Delaware, Ohio 43015

Mailing address: PO Box 593, Delaware, Ohio 43015


Phone: 740-363-7800

We send out a weekly newsletter. To be put on our mailing list, please send your request to


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